IDC Releases 2014 Predictions for Chief Marketing Officers - prUS24541813

IDC Releases 2014 Predictions for Chief Marketing Officers - prUS24541813

The ten predictions and my comments in BLUE

The Top 10 Predictions are:
  • Prediction 1 – The CMO role becomes "open for definition" as today's CMO job description becomes considerably more complex and critical.
    • my view it moves towards the Customer Experience Officer or maybe the Chief Interactive Experience Officer
  • Prediction 2 - Innovative CMO and CIO pairs will throw out the rule book when it comes to IT's support of Marketing
    • No doubt CMO´s will have to work closely with the CIO with all analytical software, marketing automation and real time dashboard / measurement demands.
  • Prediction 3 - By 2020, the Marketing function in leading companies will be radically reshaped into three organizational "systems" - content, channels, and consumption (data)
    • Would not be sure these are the three "systems" that are critical. My view we move towards:
    1. My view it will stronger move towards a segment persona driven operating model
    2. Agree with the channels as they become OMNI channel (seamlessly integrated)
    3. Consumption data..would be data collection ...360° view, hyperactive persona measurement
    4. Marketing Technology - Infrastructure - processes, measurement
    • John Iwata, IBM sr VP marketing & communication developed 3 systems: Corporate Character (Brand & Culture), Make Markets (Strategy), Capture Markets (Demand Generation).
  • Prediction 4 - The best marketers will understand that "Content Marketing" does not equal "Thought Leadership"
    • No brainer
  • Prediction 5 - Multi-channel coverage becomes an opportunity and a challenge area, as CMOs integrate media silos
    • Especially the seamlessly hop from smart phone to tablet to Laptop, PC...and continue where you left...
  • Prediction 6 - 80% of customer data will be wasted due to immature enterprise data "value chains"
    • Agree I see that many organizations are collecting so much data and have so much data available but still have no idea and the capability to analyse  something smart out of it.
  • Prediction 7 - By the end of 2014, 60% of CMOs will have formal recruiting process for people with data skills
    • see my view they realized already a couple of years ago but it is difficult to find the us :-)
  • Prediction 8 - Only 20% of marketers will receive formal training on analytics and customer data management
    • Good point to build training and education for marketeers on this. We have a great Spanish team that can do this. They build a great case with SONY Pictures in ES.
  • Prediction 9 - Fragmented marketing IT point products and low adoption rate will inhibit companies' ability to win customers
  • Prediction 10 - Digital marketing investment will exceed 50% of total program budget by 2016
    •  Unavoidable digital is driving the transformation


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